Welcome to the Online WDMS Self-Assessment

Make Workforce Development a part of your company’s culture.

The online form may be used to apply for WDMS recognition; upon submission, you will receive your WDMS digital badge demonstrating your organization’s dedication to workforce development for the current year. Members are REQUIRED to read and acknowledge understanding of the WDMS instructions prior to completing the online self-assessment. Please fill out ALL fields of the WDMS before final submission.


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Please note: There is no fee for completing and submitting the WDMS self-assestment. The self-assestment may be submitted through the online portal only. Paper submission will not be accepted. The paper self-assessment is being provided as a guide and worksheet for you to use as you evaluate the key components of your workforce development program.

The information contained in each WDMS self-assestment is viewed only by ABC staff and is kept strictly confidential. ABC does not disclose any company specific WDMS information. ABC accumulates aggregate data through the program to determine collective WDMS trends and this information becomes part of ABC’s annual workforce development data analysis, which serves as a member benchmarking tool.